Sunday, December 30, 2007

Stronger than anger. Wiser than strategy. But not: Louder Than Bombs

So continues the world of "Louder Than Bombs". This is my way of dispatching the ladies of the night in a hastily fashion. It's not like they come up to me on a regular basis but I like to leave them with a fear of their "vocation".

As for comic news, we're still updating on schedule for two weeks which is a big change for us. Normally, we would update a month late or not at all. Be glad we did update for you, dear internet. I want that engraved on my epitaph.

"I did it for the internet."


1 comment:

Aaron Florian said...

It just raises too many questions! So does he have The Aids? Or perhaps it's a clever get out of jail card as he is obviously being hit on by a rather whorish lady. Whom come to think of it may even have a portfolio of disease herself.

If he does have Aids then that alters the overall character as he is seen with many women. So is he just infecting certain types?